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Halaman berikut ini berisi tugas semantics yang diisi oleh kelas 7A: Artikel berikutnya »


  1. the resume is not simple. i have not know about your statement. make this resume easier to be understood
    Ari Sayekti

  2. Anna Zubaida
    The summary is too long. It's not consistent because the sub topic part 2.1 and 2.2 in Indonesia, therefore the other in English. There are many sentences which have ambiguity meaning, for example: "Kita menyertakan ucapan-ucapan lisan dalam tanda kutip ganda untuk membedakan mereka dari kalimat lainnya, dan biasanya bercetak miring." Honestly I don't understand the meaning of this sentence.

  3. Aslm, dears friendss ^^

    my name is AKHMAD ALWI 26 10 62 011 FROM PBI 7A..

    HAI... ^^

    In my opinion, your summary is good enough but your result of your discussion is not summary but translation from english to in indonesia.
    I think summary is = when you read and yo you understand what you read after that you read again with your words... that summary.... I think hehe ^^

    from the content of your summary, there are severel word that is not appropriate or may be wrong for example : when you want to write "di depan " but you write "didapan" then it should be better if you just only write the meaning of pragmantic and semantic after that you give example.

    when you write " Bahasa adalah salah satu hal atau suatu aktifitas yang sering digunakan dalam masyarakat, maksudnya bahasa adalah alat komunikasi yang ada di masyarakat yang terkadang dipengaruhi oleh budaya atau kebiasaan dalam masyarakat. " it is to wasful you can just write " bahasa adalah alat komunikasi yang ada di masyarakat yang terkadang dipengaruhi oleh budaya atau kebiasaan dalam masyarakat."

    and many word that are not complete for example = simbo, dengan dan rasakan , alarm pencuru ,petuntuk ,membedaka, cahaya baterai = cahaya senter...

    in sub bab 2.3
    you have to use appropriate punctuatution...
    in the first letter of the first word , you should use capital letter..

    you have to shorten your summary, that translation I think, it's not summary

    peace... wassalam

    Im sorry for my mistake

  4. Asih Prabawati
    I think your summary is good, but your explain less simple, so make we difficult to understand. can be better you explain use point to point. I think we can be easy to understand about it with use simple example.
    thanks ^^

  5. Lia Aquarista
    My opinion, yours resume is good, but its better yours resume is simple and to the point, and its can to make understand to readers.
    thank you :)

  6. Asri Wiandari (

    Good job for yours summary. The summary is good enough, but it's very leght explanation. The reader can be tired to read yours summary. So it can be more better if the summary consist of some point and the point have simple explanation.
    Ok.. Thank's and keep spirit!!!

  7. Anna muslimah (
    In my opinion, I think this summary is good enough. but when I read this summary, I only understand some of it. may be , it is makes the reader confused. And also there are several sentence whose words were less. May be, it is better for you to give just point, and you give simple explanation in every sub.
    Thank you..
