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Laman ini berisi artikel, makalah, dan hasil ringkasan materi dari mahasiswa jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dan Sastra Inggris IAIN Surakarta.


  1. Aslm, dears friendss ^^

    my name is AKHMAD ALWI 26 10 62 011 FROM PBI 7A..

    HAI... ^^

    In my opinion, your summary is good enough but your result of your discussion is not summary but translation from english to in indonesia.
    I think summary is = when you read and yo you understand what you read after that you read again with your words... that summary.... I think hehe ^^

    from the content of your summary, there are severel word that is not appropriate or may be wrong for example : when you want to write "di depan " but you write "didapan" then it should be better if you just only write the meaning of pragmantic and semantic after that you give example.

    when you write " Bahasa adalah salah satu hal atau suatu aktifitas yang sering digunakan dalam masyarakat, maksudnya bahasa adalah alat komunikasi yang ada di masyarakat yang terkadang dipengaruhi oleh budaya atau kebiasaan dalam masyarakat. " it is to wasful you can just write " bahasa adalah alat komunikasi yang ada di masyarakat yang terkadang dipengaruhi oleh budaya atau kebiasaan dalam masyarakat."

    and many word that are not complete for example = simbo, dengan dan rasakan , alarm pencuru ,petuntuk ,membedaka, cahaya baterai = cahaya senter...

    in sub bab 2.3
    you have to use appropriate punctuatution...
    in the first letter of the first word , you should use capital letter..

    you have to shorten your summary, that translation I think, it's not summary

    peace... wassalam

    Im sorry for my mistake

  2. Aslm... dears friendsssssss ^^

    My name is akhmad alwi from 7a class PBI

    After I read the summary, i think this summary is good...

    but when i was reading this summary, i feel little confused..

    in 3.2. konotasi , you wrote "Berbeda dengan konotasi lebih kepada makna kata dipahami secara personal" in my opinion it's not appropriate and it's better for you to write it like this " Berbeda dengan denotasi , konotasi lebih kepada makna kata dipahami secara personal.

    and when you write summary, you have to use punctuation for example : comma ( , ) for example in " a) A window broke Tom broke a window Disini terjadi kesamaan pada jendela yaitu patah, namun broke pada kalimat pertama bermakna menjadi patah, dan pada kalimat kedua broke bermakna patah dikarenakan oleh Tom. you should use comma in "A window broke , Tom broke a window.

    you should write these with original language in english " Perhatikan kata- kata berikut :
    a . pergi , pergi , pergi , pergi : go , went , gone , going
    b . memasang dengan , menendang ember , anjing di palungan

    OKey I think enough.... thnk you and i m sorry for my mistake ... see you waslm ^^
