Tugas Kuliah : Konsonan Alofon
Kelompok 4:
Alfina Rizqi Ardila (123211002)
Futiha Alambarra Amaan A. (123211017)
Isna Iniyati (123211018)
Rendra Catur Gutama (123211037)
Konsonan Alofon
Sebelum kita membahas lebih jauh, kita perlu membahas beberapa definisi.
Yang perlu kita perhatikan adalah fonem yaitu unit terkecil dalam bunyi bahasa pada bahasa tertentu yang dihasilkan organ speech manusia. Banyak versi yang berbeda dari jenis suara tersebut, kita dapat mendeskripsikan sebagai fone (phone) yaitu sebuah bunyi tunggal. Setiap fonem mungkin memiliki bunyi yang berbeda tergantung pada konteks di mana ia ditemukan. Sedangkan yang kita bahas dalam pembahasan ini adalah alofon, yaitu hasil variasi bunyi dari satu fonem menurut lingkungan distribusinya. Contohnya, dalam bahasa inggris suara /k/ memiliki dua pengucapan yang berbeda yaitu belakang langit-langit [k] di kata cupboard dan langit-langit [c] di kata kitchen. Bunyi [k] dan [c] inilah yang kita sebut dengan alofon.
Kita dapat melihat bahwa alofon-alofon suatu fonem merupakan bunyi-bunyi yang hampir sama secara artikulatoris. Kita dapat mengatakan bahwa alofon-alofon suatu fonem memperlihatkan kemiripan fonetis. Simbol yang mewakili fonem ditulis dengan tanda garis miring bukan tanda kurung. Jadi, dalam bahasa Inggris, kita akan memiliki satu fonem berlabel /k/, dengan alofon berlabel [k] dan [c]. Untuk mengetahui suara yang dianggap oleh penutur asli (native speaker) sebagai suara yang sama dan yang suara yang khas yang dihasilkan satu sama lain, caranya adalah melihat di mana suara ini terjadi dalam suatu bahasa (dimana suara itu dihasilkan).
Dalam bab sebelumnya yang membahas tentang konsonan, telah dijelasakan perbedaan tempat dan cara pengucapan tiap-tiap konsonan. Dalam bab ini, akan dibahas lebih lanjut tentang permasalahan baru yang timbul antara konsonan dan vokal. Para peneliti ilmu bahasa (phonologis) menggunakan tiga ciri untuk menentukan perbedaan kelas antara keduanya, yang dikenal sebagai kelas besar, yakni:
1) [±syllabic], digunakan untuk menentukan mana yang termasuk bunyi inti dari suku kata dan mana yang merupakan pinggiran atau bantuan. [+syllabic] yaitu bunyi inti dari suku kata, yang bisa berdiri sendiri tanpa adanya tambahan. [-syllabic] yaitu bunyi tambahan atau bantuan dari suku kata, yang harus mengikuti inti dari suku kata itu. Dari penjelasan diatas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa vokal merupakan [+syllabic], sedangkan konsonan merupakan [-syllabic]. Namun dalam suatu keadaan tertentu konsonan (nasal dan approximan) bisa menjadi [+syllabic]. Misalnya, pada kata “button” pada suku kata kedua merupakan suku kata yang dihasilkan dari gabungan dua bunyi konsonan meskipun dalam penulisannya terdapat huruf vokal.
2) [±consonantal], membedakan [+consonantal] yaitu suara yang dihasilkan disebabkan oleh udara yang akan keluar terhalangi di oral cavity, meliputi oral stop, fricative, nasal, dan liquid; dan [-consonantal] yaitu suara yang dihasilkan dari udara yang keluar bebas, meliputi glide dan vokal.
3) [±soronant], membedakan nasal, vowel, dan semua approximant dari stop dan frikative; karena pembentuk soronant dikarakteristikan sebagai voiced. Maka dari itu stop dan frikative merupakan [-soronant].
Dari pengenalan kelas besar diatas telah menyelesaikan beberapa masalah perbedaan antara vokal dan konsonan yang ditinjau dari cara pengucapannya. Namun, kita belum bisa membedakan antara stop dari frikative atau affricative. Maka selanjutnya akan dibahas mengenai perbedaannya dengan melihat dari dua ciri, yakni:
1) [±continuant], yang akan memisahkan oral dan nasal stop. [-continuant] bunyi yang dihasilkan dari udara yang terhenti di sistem bicara/mulut (oral tract), sedangkan [+continuant] bunyi yang dihasilkan dari udara yang terus melaju sepanjang oral.
2) [±delayed release], meliputi pembahasan perbedaan antara stop, fricative dan affricative. Affricative dapat dikelaskan ke bagian oral plosive; tetapi pengucapannya berhenti dengan sempurna, dan dilepaskan secara lebih berangsur-angsur daripada yang lain, maka affricative dimasukan dalam tingkatan fricative. Affricative bisa didiskripsikan sebagai [+delayed release], dan stop [-delayed release].
Setelah selesai dengan cara pengucapannya, selanjutnya akan dibahas melalu tempat pengucapan bunyi. Masalah yang timbul yakni kita harus mengerti tempat pengucapan tiap-tiap individu konsonan setelahnya (posisi bunyi diakhir), karena tidak semua konsonan selalu sesuai dengan aturan yang selalu sama jalannya. Didasarkan atas masalah diatas yang menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan tempat pengucapan, maka untuk mengatasinya para peneliti bahasa menemukan solusi yang tepat untuk mengklasifisikannya dengan dua bunyi [±coronal] dan [±anterior].
1) [+anterior]bunyi dimana pengucapan pasif adalah alveolar ridge atau lebih jauh kedepan; meliputi labial, labio-dental, dental dan bunyi alveolar.
2) [-anterior], bunyi yang dihasilkan lebih jauh di belakang di vokal tract; meliputi postalveolar, palatal, velar dan bunyi glottal.
3) [+coronal], bunyi dimana pengucapan aktif adalah ujung atau lidah depan; meliputi dental, alveolar, postalveolar dan palatal.
4) [-coronal], berbanding terbalik dengan [+coronal] yakni tidak meliputi bagian lidah depan; meliputi labial, labio-dental, labial-velar, velar dan glottal.
Setelah membahas tentang beberapa kategori dari bunyi, kita akan mempelajari tentang natural classes yaitu grup dalam suatu fonem yang mempunyai peran yang sama dalam suatu konteks. Sebagai contoh pelafalan konsonan letupan tak bersuara dalam bahasa Inggris pada awal kata didepan vokal yang bertekanan, konsonan-konsonan tersebut dilafalkan dengan tambahan hembusan udara yang disebut aspirasi.
Contohnya : Tone /təʊn/ →[th]
Can /kæn/ → [kh]
Aspirasi tersebut tidak ada bila letupan tidak bersuara itu terdapat langsung sesudah /s/
Contohnya : Stone /stəʊn/
Scan /skæn/
Lain lagi lafal kedua konsonan (t dan c) ketika ada pada akhir kata atau pada akhir suku kata. Pada posisi ini keduanya diucapkan dengan lafal yang disebut “tidak diletupkan”.
Contohnya : Rat /ræt/
Rack /ræk/
Catatan: bunyi pada alofon tidak selalu berdasarkan aturan-aturan yang sudah ada, melainkan tergantung pada lingkungan distribusinya.
Septina Fidyaningtyas
Phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in specific language to the language which generated by human's speech organs. Many different versions the type of sounds, we can describe as fone (phone) is a single sound. Each phoneme may have different sounds depending on the context in which it is found.
Allophones, that is the result of variations in the sound of a phoneme according to the distribution. For example, in English the sound / k / has two different pronunciations are behind palate [k] in said cupboard and palate [c] in said kitchen. Sounds [k] and [c] is what we call the allophone. In English, we have one labeled phoneme / k /, with labeled alophones [k] and [c]. To find a voice that is considered by native speakers (native speakers) as the same voice and the distinctive sound produced by each other, the way it is seeing where this sound occurs in a language (in which the sound is produced).
Linguistics researchers (phonologis) uses three characteristics to determine the difference between vowel and consonant,
1) [± syllabic], is used to determine which includes the core sounds of the syllables and which are fringe or aid.
2) [± consonantal], distinguishes [+ consonantal] that the sound produced due to obstructed air that will come out in the oral cavity, includes an oral stop, fricative, nasal, and liquid, and [-consonantal] that is the sound produced from the air out freely, covering the glide and vocals.
3) [± soronant], distinguish nasal vowels, and all of the stop and fricative approximant, because forming soronant characterized as voiced.
Natural classes are phoneme that has the same role in a context. for example, to pronounce burst of voiceless in English at the beginning of the word in front of the vocal pressure, consonants are pronounced with air blast addition is called aspiration.
Examples: Tone / təʊn / → [th]
Can / Kaen / → [kh]
Aspiration is missing when there was a burst of immediately silent after the / s /
Examples: Stone / stəʊn /
Scan / skæn /
Ahmat komarudin
sastra 3
from this explanation, I'd like to make aconclution that Allophone is any of the spoken speech sounds that represent a single phoneme.
and I would like to add a little explanation about allophonic rules and I wish it can be a useful thing. Allophonic rule is a phonological rule that indicates which allophone realizes a phoneme in a given phonemic environment. In other words, an allophonic rule is a rule that converts the phonemes in a phonemic transcription into the allophones of the corresponding phonetic transcription . Every language has a set of allophonic rules. In American English, the voiceless alveolar stop phoneme /t/ is realized as the alveolar flap allophone [ɾ] when it is preceded by a sonorant phoneme other than an alveolar nasal or lateral, and, at the same time, followed by an unstressed vowel phoneme.
/t/ → [ɾ] | /+son −lat/ _ /+vwl −str/
Aris Hidayatulloh
ReplyDeleteAs we know that the allophones is the close related set of phoneme. The "allophones" word is from prefix allo- (one of a closely related set) and phones (a physically produced speech sound, representing one version of a phoneme) .From that explanation we can conclude that "Allophones" is one of a closely related set of speech sounds or phones. Take a look at this example :
[t] sound in the word tar is normally pronounced with a stronger puff of air than is present in the [t] sound in the word star. If you put the back of your hand in front of your mouth as you say tar, then star, you should be able to feel some physical evidence of aspiration (the puff of air) accompanying the [t] sound at the beginning of tar (but not in star). (yule, 2010).
From example above, we can know that the [t] sound in word "star" and the [t] sound in word "tar" are different. The difference is on the puff of the air which we produced. The puff of air in [t] sound in word "tar" appears more than the [t] sound in the word "star". It is caused by the sound before the [t] sound. In word "star", there is the [s] sound before the [t] sound. So it will affect the [t] sound.
If you have any additional for my opinion, you can reply my comment .Thank you
murdiyono 123211029
ReplyDelete"Sounds that are merely phonetic variants of the same phoneme are allophones. and also can meant Allophones are non-significant variants of each phoneme. In other words a phoneme may be realised by more than one speech sound and the selection of each variant is usually conditioned by the phonetic environment of the phoneme. Occasionally allophone selection is not conditioned but may vary form person to person and occasion to occasion (ie. free variation).
A phoneme is a set of allophones or individual non-contrastive speech segments. Allophones are sounds, whilst a phoneme is a set of such sounds. Notice that any two sounds of a given language represent either two allophones of the same phoneme (if the sounds can be interchanged in words with no resulting change in meaning, such as the p's of pit and keep) or two different phonemes (if the sounds cannot be interchanged without a resulting change in meaning, such as the m and s of milk and silk)
Anisa Nurdiyani (123211004)
ReplyDeleteso, we can say that allophones is product of sound variation of one phones. And one of the example is /k/ in english, it has different pronounciation , first is in palatal ( when we say [k] in cupboard) and the second is in velar (when we say [c] in kitchen). [c] and [k] are allophones of /k/. Then, sound of allophones depend on district area, and not always depend on the rules .
Puji Rahayu
In other reference, sounds that are merely phonetic variants of the same phoneme are allophones. Notice that any two sounds of a given language represent either two allophones of the same phoneme (if the sounds can be interchanged in words with no resulting change in meaning, such as the p's of pit and keep) or two different phonemes (if the sounds cannot be interchanged without a resulting change in meaning, such as the m and s of milk and silk)
Now consider the word stop. If you say the word several times, you will probably notice that sometimes the final /p/ contains more aspiration and sometimes, less. (In fact, if you end the word with your lips together and do not release the /p/, it contains no aspiration at all.) Since you are not pronouncing stop as part of a larger chunk of language that varies from utterance to utterance (for example, John told Mary to stop the car versus Stop and go versus When you come to the sign, stop), the phonetic environment of the /p/ remains constant--it is at the end of the word and preceded by /a/. In other words, we cannot predict when a particular allophone with more or less aspiration is likely to occur, so the allophones of /p/ must be in free variation.
Ulifatul Qomariyah
Allophone is a variation of phonemes that does not distinguish the shape and meaning of the word. Allophones are the sounds that a realization of phonemes. Allophone distribution is divided into two complementary and are free. The so-called complementary is the distribution plugs complementary distribution can not be separated even though separated also will not cause any change in meaning. What is meant is the free distribution are allophones that can be used without the requirement of a particular sound environment. If you notice that the allophone is a realization of a phoneme, it can be said that the phonemes are abstract because it is just an abstraction of a phoneme or allophone other allophones. In other words, is real in the language allophones.
examples in bahasa : fonem /b/ dalam bahasa Indonesia dilafazkan pada posisi awal ("besar") dan tengah ("kabel") berbeda dengan fonem ini pada posisi akhir ("jawab").
Etik setyawati
in English we would have labeled the phoneme / k /, with allophones labeled [k] and [c]. To find a voice that is considered by native speakers (native speakers) as the same voice and the distinctive sound produced by one another, the way he is seeing where this sound occurs in a language (in which the sound is produced). Researchers linguistics ( phonologis) uses three characteristics to determine the difference between the two classes, known as large classes, namely:
1) [± syllabic], is used to determine which includes the core sounds of the syllables and which are fringe or assistance.
2) [± consonantal], distinguishes [+ consonantal] that the sound produced due to obstructed air that will come out in the oral cavity, includes an oral stop, fricative, nasal, and liquid, and [-consonantal] that is the sound produced from the air out freely, covering the glide and vocals.
3) [± soronant], distinguish nasal vowels, and all of the stop and fricative approximant; since forming soronant characterized as voiced.
sound on allophones are not always based on the rules that already exist, rather it depends on the distribution environment.
Purwaningsih Rahayu
ReplyDelete123211035 3rd semester
Allophone is a variation of phonemes that does not distinguish the shape and meaning of the word. Allophones are the sounds that a realization of phonemes.
b. Alofon konsonan
• Fonem /c/
[c] bunyi lepas jika diikuti vocal.
[cari]à/cari/, [cacing]à/cacing/
• Fonem /f/
[j] jika terdapat pada posisi sebelum dan sesudah vocal.
[fakir]à/fakir/, [fitri]à/fitri/
• Fonem /g/
[g] bunyi lepas jika diikuti glottal.
[gagah]à/gagah/, [gula]à/gula/
[k>] bunyi hambat-velar-tak bersuara dan lepas jika terdapat di akhir kata.
• Fonem /h/
[h] bunyi tak bersuara jika terdapat di awal dan akhir suku kata.
[hasil]à/hasil, [hujan]à/hujan/
[H] jika berada di tengah kata
[taHu]à/tahu/, [laHan]à/lahan/
Atina Afwah
Phoneme is the smallest unit of language that is abstract and is able to show the contrast of meaning or abstraction of one or a number of fonts, whether vowels or consonants. Because it is abstract, phonemic units is not a real language, not entities that can be sensed.
Allophone is the realization of pronunciation phoneme discrimination because of the different positions in the word. Suppose the phoneme / b / in Indonesian pronounced at the starting position ("besar") and middle ("kabel") is different with this phoneme in final position ("jawab"). In English language also apply like that.