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Tugas Kuliah: Fonem ‘sama tapi berbeda’

1. Aris Hidayatulloh         (123211005)
2. Linda Retno Utami (123211021)
3. Qonitatul Azizah           (123211036)
4. Riski Fajar Herlambang (123211038)

‘sama tapi berbeda’

A. Variasi dari fonem 
Jika kita membahas tetang fonem (dalam bahasa Indonesia) atau phoneme (dalam bahasa inggris), maka kita akan memjumpai berbagai macam variasi dalam pembahasannya. Pada dasarnya fonem bisa terbentuk karena penyuaraan dari speech organ manusia. Namum secara alamiah memang sifat manusia berbeda-beda dan tentu saja mereka mempunyai persepsi yang berbeda pula. Persepsi tersebut yang akan mempengaruhi pemahaman mereka pada saat mengkaji suatu hal (dalam bahsan ini lebih mengarah ke fonem). Sepertihalnya sepatu kiri dan kanan, memang ukuran, warna dan bentuknya sama, namun tetap saja berbeda karena digunakan di 2 kaki yang berbeda yaitu kaki kiri dan kanan. Memang dari bahannya sama persis dan mereka digunakan pula sebagai alas kaki, tapi mereka berbeda pada peletakannya. 

Ilustrasi pada paragraft sebelumnya bisa kita kaitkan dengan pengkajian phoneme. Seperti yang kita ketahui, bidang kajian yang akan dibahas dalam pengkajian phoneme adalah penyuaraan dari satuan terkecil bunyi yang dihasilkan oleh organ of speech. Namun jika phoneme tersebut dibuyikan, maka kita akan menjumpai berbagai perbedaan pada bunyi yang dihasilkan. Seperti halnya bunyi [k] pada kata call, dan [t] pada kata tall. Jika kita membedakan bunyi tersebut, akan lebih terasa perbedaannya. [k] . Kedua fonem tersebut sama-sama bunyi yang dihasilkan oleh speech organ dan keduanya sama-sama konsonan yang berletup (plosive), namun perbedaan yang akan nampak adalah pada penyuaraannya. Bunyi [k] termasuk dalam katergori velar yakni bunyi yang membutuhkan badan lidah (body of tongue) untuk menyentuh langit-langit mulut (soft palate). Sedangkan bunyi [t] termasuk dalam kategori alveolar yakni bunyi yang tersuarakan ketika unjung lidah (tip of tongue) menyentuh diding dari rahang gigi (alveolar ridge).
Pada bahasan sebelumnya kita membahas bunyi [k] dan [t]. Kedua bunyi tersebut dikategorikan sebagai bunyi yang  berpasangan. Pasangan bunyi tersebut digunakan untuk membedakan bunyi yang dihasilkan. Seperti yang kita jumpai di minimal pairs, kedua bunyi tersebut hampir sama namun sifat dan tempat pembunyiannya lah yang berbeda, seperti yang terilustrasi pada bunyi [k] pada kata call dan bunyi [t] pada kata tall pada bahasan sebelumnya. Lain halnya jika kita membunyikan suara [k] dalam kata cupboard dan [c] dalam kitchen yang dimana mereka dikategorikan mempinyai bunyi yang sama menurut IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Namun mereka ([k] dan [c]) dalam bahasa inggris tidak dikategorikan sebagai set of sound (pasangan bunyi) meskipun dalam IPA mereka digolongkan dalam kategori bunyi yang sama.     
Untuk memperjelas bahasan yang ada pada paragraft sebelumnya, berikut penjelasan lebih mengenai fonem. Bunyi-bunyi berikut memang agak sedikit sama, namun letak penyuaraannya berbeda dan juga letupan yang dihasilkan juga berbeda (plosive)  
/p/ pada kata paul  letak bunyi berada di bagian bibir (bilabial)
/t/ ¬¬ pada kata tall  letak bunyi berada di tengah atau disekitar alveolar ridge
/k/ pada kata  call letak bunyi berada di tengah atau di sekitar soft palate

B. Fonem 
Seperti yang kita ketahui, fonem merupakan bagian terkecil dari satuan bunyi yang dihasilkan oleh organ of speech. Hal tersebut sangat erat kaitannya dengan suara. Berdasarkan paparan dari Sapir, seorang linguis dari America pada abad 20. Dia menyimpulkan bahwa suara yang didegar oleh native speaker atau penutur asli (bahasa inggris) adalah fonem (phoneme)  bukan fonetic (phonetic). Selama fonem tersebut dapat kita dengar (suara yang dihasilkan organ of speech), maka bunyi tersebut merupakan fonem. 
Kita bisa mengkonversi fonem ke dalam bentuk phonetic transcript dengan menggunakan IPA (International phonetic alphabet). Dalam penulisannya, phonetic transcript dituliskan ditengah slash (tanda kurung yang terdiri dari dua garis miring). Sebagai contoh kata ‘call’ jika dituliskan kedalam simbol IPA akan menjadi  /kɔːl/ .Penulisan tersebut bisa mempermudah kita dalam pembacaan kata, khususnya dalam bahasa inggris.
Seiring perkembangan waktu dari zaman ke zaman, penggunaan fonem juga dikembangkan dalam dunia peng-ejaan. Sistem peng-ejaan tersebut menerapkan sistem berbasis fonem dari bahasa.  Seperti yang dijelaskan pada bahasan sebelumnya, kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat bebagai hal yang dapat dikaji dalam fonem termasuk juga pelafalan dari fonem itu sendiri yang dipengaruhi oleh mother tongue seseorang. Ketika kita mengkaji fonem dalam bahasa inggris, kita tidak bisa terlepas dari peran penutur asli atau native speaker. Karena dari native speaker tersebutlah kita bisa mengkaji banyak hal yang berkenaan dengan fonem. 
Singkat kata, yang dimaksud dengan ‘sama namun berbeda’ dalam bahasan materi ini merujuk pada fonem itu sendiri. Memang dari bidang yang dikaji adalah suara dari speech organ manusia, namun dari pembunyian fonem tersebut sangatlah berfariasi. Fonem tersebut ada yang bersifat voiced dan voiceless. Selain itu ada yang berbeda dari tempat pembunyiannya (place of articulation) dan juga cara pembunyiannya (manner of articulation). Dari hal itulah kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat suatu perbedaan dari satu komponen fonem yang satu dangan fonem yang lainnya.        

Referensi lain (sebagai tambahan) :
Sari, faizah, A Practical Guide to understand Basic Phonology, Jakarta: Native Indonesia Press, 2011.

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  1. according to the book that I learned today explains that, phoneme a linguistic term it is the smallest unit in a language that is still able to show the difference of meaning. Phoneme-shaped sound.

    Suppose in English sound [h] and [g] are two different phonemes, for example in the word "know" and "no". But in Arabic it is not so. In the Arabic language there is only the phoneme / h /.

    Name: muhammad faiq furqon (123211028)
    class: literature class 3

    1. Aris Hidayatulloh

      Thank you for your comment, mas faiq. I wanna ask you about that /h/ phoneme in your explanation before, could you give an example of the word (I mean the word using the /h/ phoneme) because I haven't know it.Could you show me ? Thank you ,,, :)

  2. Ulifatul Qomariyah
    123 211 042
    English Literature 3

    After I read from the article and other article/book, I conclude that:

    Phoneme is sounds of language that have different sounds and can distinguish the meaning or we can say "Phoneme is the smallest meaningful unit of sound in a language that will change one word into another word".

    For example: “c” and “b” are 2 different phonemes. As in the word “cat” and “bat”. They are two different words, but there is only one sound that have different in phonemes and pronouns.

  3. Luthfiyah Hanim Setyawati

    Thanks to this group who already share about material of phoneme . After I red this material, I can add my knowledge about “phoneme” in the meaning, variation or classificaton, etc. I just want to add the other source about this material. Phoneme is different sounds within a language. Example the word “rat” has the phoneme /ræt/. If we change the middle phoneme we get rot /rɒt/.
    The set of phoneme consist of 2 categories :
    a. Consonant sounds : may be voiced (the sounds occur when the vocal cord in the larynx are vibrated, such as ‘fan’ /fan/) or unvoiced ( no vibrationn occurs, such as in ‘van’ /van/).
    b. Vowel sounds : are all voiced and may be single, such as in ‘let’/let/
    Basically phoneme can formed by organ of speech, we speak using the lips, tounge, teeth, hard palate, soft palate, alveolar ridge. The nasal is involved when we produce certain sounds, and the movement of the lower jaw is also important.
    Sometimes, we still confused about way to distinguishing between many words and we can know to distinguishing these words by minimal of pairs. Of these sounds (except for /h/) there are partner sounds or minimal pairs that are made exactly the same except voicing is added.
    Compare the following pairs of sounds:

    /p/ vs. /b/ : pin vs bin

    /f/ and /v/ : Fat and vat
    Fine and vine
    To determine the phoneme that exist in a language, we use the contrastive property : if we subtitute one sounds for another in a words and there is a change in meaning, then the two sounds represent different phonemes, for example night vs knite.
    So, I think phoneme has many variation, similarities in the sounds which it make us confused to distinguishing it and we can learn more to add the knowledge espicially to distinguishing the sounds of language.

  4. Meri Wiji A.

    the explanation about phoneme from second group has clear enough. on the other hand, from the other references that i have read say:
    A phoneme is the smallest contrastive unit in the sound system of a language which is combined with other phonemes to form meaningful units such as words or morphemes. The phoneme can be described as "The smallest contrastive linguistic unit which may bring about a change of meaning". In this way the difference in meaning between the English words kill and kiss is a result of the exchange of the phoneme /l/ for the phoneme /s/. Two words that differ in meaning through a contrast of a single phoneme are called minimal pairs.
    Phonemes are conventionally placed between slashes in transcription, whereas speech sounds (phones) are placed between square brackets. Thus /pʊʃ/ represents a sequence of three phonemes /p/, /ʊ/, /ʃ/ (the word push in standard English), while [pʰʊʃ] represents the phonetic sequence of sounds [pʰ] (aspirated "p"), [ʊ], [ʃ] (the usual pronunciation of push).
    Phonologists have differing views of the phoneme. Following are the two major views considered here:
    •In the American structuralist tradition, a phoneme is defined according to its allophones and environments.
    •In the generative tradition, a phoneme is defined as a set of distinctive features.

  5. Futiha Alambarra Amaan Ahmada

    After I read the book and read this article,
    this it the information that I've got.

    Phoneme is a single sound which came to be represented by a single written symbol. usually phoneme appear between slash brackets, and are conventionally represented by IPA symbol.
    in that book we discuss about "phoneme: the same but different"
    I conclude that the same means that they have the same thing together, but also it is different from their look.
    example when we see the written in alphabetic, we can distinguish the different letter between [k] in kitchen and [c] in cup. when we make a sound of that, we can find the same sound in utterance, with the phoneme /k/ in English. And when we discuss it, we must know if the each language will has the different phonology. Because maybe in English the letter of [k] and [c] have the same sound /k/, but not in Hungarian. So it will be the reason why in the languages we find the other phonology.

    And also when we write "a" letter in alphabetic, we will find the different style of written, but actually they have the same mean, that is this own "a". But when we make a sound in utterance we will find the different sound, maybe in phonetic symbol it will be different symbol, because they have the different phoneme (sound).

  6. Alfina Rizqi Ardila

    After I read this summary, I can understand easily about phoneme. From other references phoneme is the basic unit of organization of sound in language, Knowing about phonemes is important to spell the word. A phonemes may be made up of one or more letters which make one sound. For example, the /f/ sound represented by the lettters " ph" in the word "phonology" is a phoneme. If a phoneme is changed, the word will change to another word, for example: the words cat and fat are two different words, but there is only one sound that is different between the two words (the first sound) /k/ sound in cat and /f/ sound in fat.
    Usually phoneme represented between two slashes, for example the word "call' if written into IPA symbols would be / kɔ ː l /. It can make us easier to read the word, especially in English language. I can conclude that phoneme discusses about the sound of human speech organs, but the resulting sound is very various. Because there are two kind of phoneme (voiced and Voiceless). It also depends on the place of articulation and also manner of articulation.

  7. Purwaningsih Rahayu

    after i read this article, i can understand about phoneme. and in another article that I read if The phoneme can be described as "The smallest contrastive linguistic unit which may bring about a change of meaning".[1] In this way the difference in meaning between the English words kill and kiss is a result of the exchange of the phoneme /l/ for the phoneme /s/. Two words that differ in meaning through a contrast of a single phoneme are called minimal pairs.


    I have conclusion about this matter that a phoneme is the smallest meaningful unit of sound in a language. A meaningful sound is one that will change one word into another word. For example, the words cat and fat are two different words, but there is only one sound that is different between the two words - the first sound. That means that the “k” sound in cat and the “f” sound in fat are two different morphemes.
    Now consider the words skin and kin. Both words have an “k” sound, but they are really slightly different sounds. The “k” sound in skin is softer that the “k” sound in kin. Those two sounds are not phonemes in English. They are what are called “allophones,” which are just variations of a phoneme. In another language, however, those two sounds could be phonemes.
    That means that two groups of sounds which have only those two “k” sounds as a difference between them would be two different words. Pretending that the two groups of sounds were “kin” (with a hard “k”) and “kin” (with a soft “k”), you'd have two different words with two different meanings. You can try to say those two words, but you'll probably end up saying kin, but starting the other word with a “g” sound as in gun. The reason is that we have a hard time hearing and repeating sounds that are not phonemes in our language.

  9. Puji Rahayu

    According from the other article or book, Phoneme is the smallest meaning distinguishing sound unit in the abstract representation of the sounds of a language, any of the perceptually distinct units of sound in a specified language that distinguish one word from another, for example p, b, d, and t in the English words pad, pat, bad, and bat .
    for others example,
    / v / has the features [ + voice, + labiodental, + fricative] and so can't be in the same natural class of sounds as / p / and / k /.
    The sounds represented by “c” and “b” are different phonemes, as in the words “cat” and “bat.”
    The sound "p" in "tap", which differentiates that word from "tab" and "tag".

  10. Septina Fidyaningtyas

    Phoneme is the smallest unit of speech that can be used to make one word different from another word. for example, replace the initial sound [k] in "call" with [t], and you have "tall", an entirely different English word. correspondingly, English speakers perceive [k] and [t] as entirely separate sounds, and find them rather easy to distinguish.
    The final example, the sound p in 'pet' and b in 'bet' are examples of vowel phonemes, the sounds j in 'judge' and sh in 'ship' are consonant phonemes. Diphthongs include the oy sound in 'boy' and the ay sound in 'bay'.

  11. phoneme. how sound of "T" "K" "C" come from. Its not easy but trying is better than nothing to do. What the article say have to more example and concist systematic writing.
    Phoneme used for help everybody to differending a sound to another sound. and the summary is the phoneme is the smalest thing of speech.

  12. Etik setyawati

    Phoneme is comprehension about sound crop that production by human organ of speech. Phoneme study about declamation from least unit of sound that production by organ of speech, has voiced and voiceless different character from sound place and sound manner.

  13. phoneme is the smallest sound in the language that can't divided into smaller particle language again, but it still can showing the different meaning.... sometime, there is a phoneme sound that same or almost same in speech with the other phoneme, but it different in letter and meaning. for example:
    ="by" is phoneme, in speech same with the word "buy", but they both different in meaning and letter
    ="made" is phoneme, in pronunciation structure almost same with the word "make", but they differented by the consonant "d" and "k"

  14. lilis sukmawati

    thanks for the group which post this material.. :)

    Now I knew, phoneme formed because the voicing of the human speech organs, and it is discussed about voicing of the smallest unit of sound produced by the organs of speech. if phoneme are spoken, we will see many differences in the sound produced.

  15. Anisa Nurdiyani 123211004

    phonemes is minimal unit of speech sound in a language, for example fat and vat both of them are word, and only has one different phonemes /f/ and /v/ . dig and wig only has one different phonemes /d/ and /w/ .
