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Tugas Kuliah: Introduction to Phonology and Phonetics

By:          -Muhammad Faiq Furqon (123211028)
                -Fentalisa Monica
                -Merry Wiji Astuti
                -Yusaufa Fasikul Lisani

1.1 Fonetik dan Fonologi

                Phonetics dan phonology adalah ilmu yang sama-sama mengkaji tentang suara. Dalam phonetics disediakan cara-cara yang objektif untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa jangkauan dari suara manusia digunakan dalam bahasa mereka. phonetics terbagi menjadi 3, yaitu articulatory phonetics yang mengidentifikasi organ-organ dan otot-otot mana yang terlibat dalam menghasilkan suara yang berbeda. suara-suara tersebut kemudian dikirim dari pembicara kepada pendengar. Sedangkan acoustic dan auditory phonetics focus pada bagaimana suara itu berjalan melewati udara dalam bentuk gelombang suara dan dampak dari gelombang tersebut terjadi pada telinga dan otak si pendengar.

                Phonologists lebih mengacu pada pola suara dalam beberapa bahasa, pada apa yang pembicara dan pendengar harus ketahui, apa yang anak-anak butuhkan untuk belajar, gdan ilmu ini dekat dengan psikologi. Kita sering pinya intuisi tentang bahasa tanpa tahu darimana mereka datang atau bagaimana untuk mengungkapkan itu, tetapi ilmu tentang ini memang ada.
                Hubungan antara phonetics dan phonology adalah sesuatu yang komplek. seperti halnya saat bayi pada fase babbling, memproduksi sebuah suara, termasuk beberapa yang mereka tidak pernah dengar dari orang tuanya. Dalam hal ini, phonetics menyediakan banyak keragaman dalam bahasa, termasuk informasi yang lebih dari pembicara tampak digunakan atau dibutuhkan, semua pembicara, dan setiap ucapan yang berbeda.

1.2 Variasi atau perbadaan

                Variasi dibagi dalam 2 bagian : fonetik adalah universal dan phonology adalah bahasa yang spesifik. Tetapi keduanya tidak simple.
                Pertama,  para peneliti phonology melakukan percobaan dan membedakannya dalam pola karakteristik dalam satu bahasa dan simple reflek di cerita, dari kata yang lain diman ayang lebih banyak universal motivasi adalah issue. Di dalam perkara *fnil, atau lebih dari general kata yang berinisial [fn-], kita berhadapan dengan fakta dari Inggris modern. Ini sempurna untuk memproduksi suatu kombinasi suara; ada kata dalam banyak bahasa, mencakup Norwegian fnise ‘giggle’, fnugg ‘speck’, dimulai dengan hanya kelompok itu; dan sungguh, itu normal dalam periode awal di Inggris – sneeze, contohnya, nenek moyang Old English fnesan, dengan Old English fnaed menunjukkan ‘hem, edge, fringe’; tetapi ini tidak termasuk bagian dari inventaris dari kombinasi suara yang mana kita telah belajar berbicara Inggris dan dilakukan sampai hari ini. Hal ini sama dengan kelompok yang berinisial, seperti [kn-] : ini adalah keadaan yang sudah biasa di Old English, seperti cnawan ‘to know’, dan bertahan sampai pengejaan Modern English, yerlebih lagi ini sekarang adalah pelafalan yang sederhana [n]; lagi, [kn-] ini juga sempurna di lain bahasa, termasuk German, dimana kita menemukan Knabe ‘boy’, Knie ‘knee’.
                Di sisi yang lain, jika kamu mengatakan kata intemperate dan incoberent untuk dirimu sendiri senatural mungkin seperti yang kamu bisa, dan memusatkan pada konsonan pertama yang bertuliskan n, kamu boleh memperhatikan dua sinyal perbedaan suara. Di kata intemperate, di bagian lidah depan bergerak naik kebelakang di atas bagian depan gigi untuk huruf n, dan tetap disana untuk huruf t; tetapi di kata incoberent, kebenyakan orang biasanya memproduksi suara dengan menandai ing dalam melafalkannya di bahasa Inggris, dengan lidahmu ditinggikan lebih jauh kembali kedalam mulut, dimana [k] (dilafalkan c). Proses asimilasi seperti ini involve dua suara menutup bersamaan di sebuah kata menjadi semakin dekat bersamaan dalam pengucapan di terminology, membuat mudah untuk para pembicara untuk memproduksi vocal suara.  Asimilasi adalah sebuah kejadian di sebuah bahasa manusia; dan terutama sekali dalam keadaan untuk suara nasal, seperti melafalkan satu n disini, untuk asimilasi mengikuti konsonan. Penjelasan tekhnik universal seperti satu involve persekutuan dari phonology dan fonetik; jadi ahli fonologi menarik di universal juga.
                Bagaimanapun, berkenaan dengan fonologi terdapat perbedaan level dalm bahasa; sering, dua orang mengira bahwa dirinya sendiri adalah pembicara yang sama dengan bahasa, tetapi merubah penggunaanya (kadang ketika kamu berbicara tomayto, kemudian saya berbicara timahto). Ini bukan hanya saja automatic, persoalan phonetic: di kasus yang sama seorang pembicara single  selalu mengunakan satu variant, tetapi lainnya, individual akan  menggunakan varian yang berbeda pada kejadian yang berbeda pula.

1.3 The International Phonetics Alphabet

Lebih jauh lagi, contoh yang lebih detil dan umum, atau yang termasuk bagian luar bahasa. Memberikan lebih banyak contoh kosa kata yang lebih spesifik, dan sistem notasi yang didedikasikan pada deskripsi bunyi.
Di dalam susunan ejaan bahasa inggris, meskipun hanya susunan tulisan yang paling sering kita gunakan, kedua hal itu terlalu sulit bagi kita untuk di mengerti Tanpa transkripsi tulisan yang universal pada fonetik dan fonologi, menulis bunyi yang berasal dari bahasa lain adalah tantangan besar, karena antara bunyi yang dihasilkan dan tulisan dari bunyi itu bila dibaca dengan bahasa kita akan menghasilkan bunyi yang berbeda.
Misalnya, bunyi yang digunakan dalam bahasa inggris, kata “scenary bila dibaca dengan bahasa kita adalah “skenari”, namun dalam bahasa inggris seharusnya  dibaca “sinaeri”.  Atau jika kita mendengarkan seorang penutur bahasa inggris, bila dalam bahasa kita hanya mengetahui dasar “huruf konsonan dan vokal”, dan tidak mengetahui bagaimana bunyi itu diucapkan maka akan sulit bagi kita untuk menangkap maksud yang diucapkan oleh penutur bahasa inggris tersebut. Lebih buruk lagi jika ada bunyi kata-kata sukar yang tidak sesuai dengan ketepatan pengucapannya meskipun bagi penutur dalam bahasa inggris. Dari contoh tersebut menjelaskan bahwa IPA (international phonetics alphabet) yang diusulkan pada tahun 1888 oleh International Phonetics Association, dan terakhir diperbarui pada tahun 1996, adalah pedoman bagi penutur seseorang dalam mempelajari bahasa lain dan mendapatkan bunyi bahasa yang sesuai dengan bahasa tersebut.
Cabang linguistik yang mempelajari penggunaan suara dalam bahasa manusia . Fonetik adalah studi tentang sifat fisik pidato suara dan produksi ujaran : bagaimana suara yang dihasilkan oleh tubuh manusia , apa yang mereka seperti sebagai gelombang suara , dan bagaimana pidato proses telinga manusia . Fonologi adalah studi tentang bagaimana suara ini disusun dalam bahasa - misalnya, yang semua pidato yang mungkin terdengar bahasa digunakan untuk membangun kata-katanya , bagaimana suku kata yang dibangun dalam bahasa tertentu , dan fenomena lain . Fonologi & fonetik telah dipelajari secara rinci selama sekitar 200 tahun . Misi fonologi adalah untuk memahami bagaimana suara pidato dan fitur fonetik diatur dalam bahasa sehingga mereka dapat digunakan untuk membuat KONTRAS , perbedaan antara suara yang memungkinkan penciptaan kata-kata yang berbeda , yang kemudian dapat melayani tujuan melambangkan ribuan konsep yang merupakan dunia mental kita . Tugas fonem dalam bahasa adalah untuk membedakan kata-kata dari satu sama lain . Misalnya , perbedaan antara / s / dan / z / suara sinyal Inggris yang ' menggugat ' dan 'zoo ' adalah kata-kata yang berbeda .
Dan EJAAN BAHASA INGGRIS ( = ortografi bahasa Inggris) : Sebuah sistem menggunakan simbol-simbol tertulis ( huruf dan kombinasi huruf ) untuk mewakili bahasa lisan . Sejarah ejaan bahasa Inggris dimulai dengan asal-usul bahasa Inggris di Kepulauan Inggris 1500 tahun lalu ( 500 AD dan seterusnya ) . Sejarah panjang telah menyebabkan banyak keanehan ejaan bahasa Inggris . Salah satu faktor dalam kompleksitas sistem saat ini adalah bahwa pengucapan bahasa telah berubah selama 500 tahun terakhir sehingga ejaan tidak cocok suara dengan cara yang sama seperti dalam sistem ejaan Eropa lainnya , seperti yang dari Spanyol . Faktor lain yang menyulitkan adalah ribuan kata-kata bahasa Inggris telah diambil dari bahasa lain - dari bahasa Yunani ( simfoni ) ke Latin ( aneh ) ke Hindi ( shampoo ) ke Jepang ( karaoke ) . Ejaan kata dalam bahasa sumber sering dipertahankan , menyebabkan inkonsistensi seperti menggunakan <c> mengeja kedua / s / , seperti di kota , dan / k / , seperti dalam koma . Amerika English ejaan telah cukup banyak tetap dalam bentuk yang sekarang sejak paruh pertama abad ke-19 .
Dan simbol IPA secara alami juga banyak digunakan untuk mewakili fonem bahasa tertentu. Misalnya, konsonan awal dari bahasa Inggris anggap fonetis frikatif gigi [ θ ] untuk kebanyakan speaker , sehingga fonem direalisasikan dengan cara ini biasanya direpresentasikan sebagai / θ / Tapi perhatikan dengan seksama bahwa simbol fonem konvensional yang terdiri dari simbol IPA di garis miring fonem mungkin tidak pada kenyataannya diucapkan dalam cara simbol IPA akan menyarankan . ; misalnya, fonem pada awal English merah lazim direpresentasikan sebagai / r / , untuk kenyamanan ortografis , tapi mungkin ada pembicara asli bahasa Inggris yang pernah mengucapkan kata ini dengan getar [ r ] .... Sebuah simbol IPA dalam tanda kurung siku adalah ( atau seharusnya ) dimaksudkan untuk mewakili suara pidato nyata akurat , sebuah simbol IPA di garis miring fonem adalah cara yang nyaman untuk mewakili beberapa fonem dalam beberapa bahasa dan mungkin tidak menjadi panduan setia kepada realitas fonetik " .

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  1. Rindra Catur G
    how to an ancient people can understand a foreign language before any dictionary,,?

  2. Alfina Rizqi Ardila (123211002)

    (Literature class the 3rd semester)

    I am still confused with this material because the language structure in this material is disorganized, difficult to be understood and not directly on the point.

  3. Murdiyono 123.211.029
    3rd literature class

    From that material, i know about the phonetics, it is general study of the characteristic of speech sound. Phonetic divided into 3, they are articulatiry phonetics, acoustic phonetics, auditory phonetics. And Phonology is essentially the description of the system and pattern of speech sound in a language. I do not understand about variant and IPA in detail, although it has been described in bahasa, for me, that explanations are difficult to understand. Hope the lecturer will give me an explanation about it in detail information.

  4. Devina Jesika Dewanti
    English literature 3rd semester

    i have the same argument with alfina about the language structure, especially the material of variasi dan perbedaan. there is should be more example that we can understand easier but the point is i still didn't understand, even it written in bahasa (only a little).

  5. I am sorry to say, but it's like this article translated by machine. as what Alfina said, the structure of the sentences are totally complicated (in Bahasa :ribet) so get a lil difficulty to understand it. CMIW. = I do not mean to copy Alfina's statement)

  6. Lilis Sukmawati
    English literature 3rd semester

    i have difficulty to get the point on this material..i hope that i will find material in the simple language or more shorter than it. But obvious thanks for the first group..keep spirit :)

  7. Luthfiyah Hanim Setyawati

    Literature class the 3rd semester
    After I red this summary about the materials, I can’t be understand well cz that language unorganized clearly, many language still up side-down for example “yang mana” become “mana yang” , so I think as Sharah argument that the language seems to use application of language translate, In my suggestion if we will understand more, we had recourse to application of language translate but we can change it to our comprehension and we can to give an example easily which it can make the reader not confused. If we disscused about phonology, there are many opinion and experience about it. And after I red some of materials about it in other source, I found something that Phonology is The study about the intricacies of the sounds of language, and it formulate regularly and systematically and called phonological ( phone : sound ; logos : science ). The term of phonology show the meaning of the sounds of language study in general because phonology is divided into two areas of study , they are the phonemic and phonetic. Phonology divided into Phonetics and phonemic, phonetic generally described as a regular branch of study that studies of phonological sounds of language regardless of whether these sounds have a function as discrete categories or not. Phonemic is the branch of study that studies the sounds of language with respect to the sound function as discrete categories. Phonemic focuses his attention to the functional characteristics , ie, serve to distinguish meaning. But in addition, there are many opinion about phonology and phonetic. Anything else found under the phonetic and phonemic knowledge that there are two parallel position in the hierarchy of the branch of linguistics.

  8. as other student, I assume that this summary is very difficult to understand. How to make structure and meaning of this summary is confused. About the word "ribuan kata-kata bahasa Inggris telah diambil dari bahasa lain - dari bahasa Yunani ( simfoni ) ke Latin ( aneh ) ke Hindi ( shampoo ) ke Jepang ( karaoke )", its a example of borrowing same as "paddy" from indonesia which in Indonesia is"padi". I ewish i will get easier summary about this case latter.

  9. Laila Sari

    I 'm so sorry for being so late...
    Actually, I still don't understand about this materials. I can't get your poin when you said that fonetic is universal and phonology is specific. And when I read
    So lets discuss it....

  10. Anisa Nurdiyani (123211004)
    Literature class the 3rd semester

    I'm so sorry to say like this, I tried to read your material three times but it is still confused , you should write it simply so we can get the point of your material, and don't write some sentences that not important in your material friends.

  11. Isna Iniyati

    I 'm so sorry for being so late too...
    I can understand just a little about phonology and phonetic. But some of the materials i 'm still confuse, perhaps you can use simple language, i mean that with the language by yourself. And thanks for group one.

  12. Aris Hidayatulloh

    Before I write my comment, I want to thank to my friends who have written this summary for us. Without you all, maybe we cannot understand the material well. According to our friends, there are many unstructured sentence or word in this writing, and I think, It is true. I think, the first thing that we have to know about translating some writings is how we can translate the sentence, of course it is not word by word. As I know, each sentence consists of subject and predicate (minimally).Then, after the sentence formed, it is better if we make the summary of our writing. I do hope for the writers can give the correct sentences for the writing. But I give my appreciation to the writers because you have tried to translate and make the summary of the material that we will discuss.

    In my comment, Now, I just want to share about the material that we are disusing now. It is about "Phonology". According to "Phonic (Practice, research, and policy) book which is edited by Mauren Lewis and Sue Ellis, Phonology is the study of the sound system of language, or the sound system itself and Phonetic is a science studying the characteristics of, and providing methods for, the description, classification and transcription of human sound-making, particularly speech sounds. From the statement above we can know that the phonology and phonetic has a correlation. The correlation is in the field of the study which is involved in the sound of speech .The phonology is narrowed-down to the phonetic. In other hand, phonology is more specific than phonetic. There fore, if we want to study about the phonetic, we have to know about the phonology too. In studying phonology, there will be IPA. As we know that IPA is stand for "International Phonetic Alphabet". It is an International standard of phonemic alphabet. But not all of them are used in our Language, especially English because not all the phoneme IPA are available in the speech. It is my opinion about the material. For anyone who want to give more explanation for me, I do hope you can give the reply from my comment. Thank you

  13. Nur Kholifah
    3rd semester of English literature

    I am still confused with this matter, because the structure of the language is still difficult for me to understand. Especially on Variation and Difference am still very confused and should be given ledih examples to be easily understand.

  14. Puji Rahayu ( 123211034)
    3rd semester of English literature

    That explanation is not to the point, so I'm still confused especially on variation and difference and I can't understand the language structure. Thanks

  15. Etik setyawati
    I think this article is confused because the structure sentence is disorganized, I feel difficlt for understand this material.

  16. purwaningsih rahayu

    in this material we can studing about what is the meaning phonetics and phonology, and relationship between phoneics and phonology, but in the explanation of this matter I find it hard to understand and comprehend, because the language is difficult for my study.

    thank you

  17. Anisa Khusnul Chotimah
    Literature class the 3rd semester

    I'm still confused with this material and can't get the point of your material, i think that the language structure in this material is difficult to understand. Maybe, you can write with the simple language, so we can understand this material. Thank for group one.

  18. Nur Rochim Adiyanto

    You must give basic material. I think I will find a road to understand it, because it has used Indonesia language.

    Make it simple, maybe you can make the material into the point or you can make some example with your style.
    Don't be fear you will be wrong.

    That was my opinion.
    But this material was pretty good

  19. Futiha Alambarra Amaan Ahmada

    After I read the book from Mr. Kurniawan and also from this article, actually I just can catch a little information, because I still confuse.

    Phonology is the study of speech sound patterns that consist about how speech sound behave in utterance and communication. And phonetic is describe and analysis the human sounds, that deals with individual speech sound. That include in how to produce sound in the organ of speech and how it is perceived by the hearer. If we study about them there will be a problem that will make the reasons why IPA arise.From the book I got that IPA involve the symbols of sound in writing form, then IPA change the strange sound to be a symbol in writing and also identified the sound of the symbols. IPA also have function to settle the ambiguity sounds in utterances.
    Maybe just it that I've got.

  20. Ulifatul Qomariyah
    123 211 042
    literature 3

    after I read the article, I can conclude that Phonetic and phonology is study about speech sound. Phonetic divided into 3, they are articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics, and auditory phonetics. But phonology is study of patterns of sounds.
    From the definition appear differences in the pronunciation of a word among countries / languages then appeared IPA (international phonetics alphabet) which serve as guidelines for speakers of other languages who learn to pronounce a word that corresponds to the language studied especially in English.

  21. Widarti Umi Sakinah

    the article above, I can conclude that phonetic is learn about how sound it can be removed, and how the pronunciation. Phonetic divided into 3, they are articulatiry phonetics, acoustic phonetics, auditory phonetics.

  22. Desi Triana Sari

    After I read this material, I conclude that the phonetics divided into 3: articulary phonetics, acoustics and audiory. while variations and differences explain about how the pronunciation of a word correctly but because of the individual differences that make pronounce English words are not the same as it should be pronounced. The last is about the International Phonetics Alphabet describes how to produce the sound to get the correct spelling of the word.

  23. Rizki Fajar Herlambang

    After i read this all, I am still confused and I not get the point yet.... this is not simple word for me

  24. Cahya Ning Rahayu (123211007)

    Thanks to first group for translate before,
    Iam sorry, actually, i read this post more than 3 times. but i just got the little points. i felt so difficult to be understood the material.

    After I read this post, I get the differences of phonology and phonetic, in my opinion phonology is study about the speech sounds more detail. we can learn about the way to produce a letter to be a word or language, and the way how is the sounds produce by the organ, and how is the sounds can heard from speaker to listener by sound wave.
    And then, phonetic is study about variety of sounds or language, and the way how is that sounds can be understand by listener, like babbling phase.
    For IPA and variasi perbedaan, I not yet understand.
    I hope i get the clear explanation about this material, expecially definition first directly or indirectly.

  25. Mona Mirdiana Ariduwani ( 123211025)

    Before comment, I want to thank to my friends who have written this summary for us.
    From that material, i know about the phonetics, it is general study of the characteristic of speech sound. Phonetic divided into 3, they are articulatiry phonetics, acoustic phonetics, auditory phonetics. And Phonology is essentially the description of the system and pattern of speech sound in a language,I am still confused about the IPA, perhaps at tomorrow's meeting could be described and discussed together

  26. Dewi Yulia Wati (123211011)

    I conclude that Phonology and Phonetic are study of speech sound in language. Phonology is study of systems and patterns of speech sounds in language, while Phonetic is study of the characteristics of speech sounds in language. Phonetics devided into 3 parts, they are auditory, articulatory, and acoustic. Phonology is language-specific which means study of systems and patterns of speech sounds in specific language. And Phonetic is universal, it means that we use a same phonetic around the world. Without a universal transcription in phonetic, sometimes we write the sound produced and the writing of the sound when we read will produce different sounds. Therefore, IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) was proposed in 1888 by International Phonetic Association and latest revision in 1996. And naturally, IPA symbols are also widely used to represent phonemes in particular language.
    I should be hard to be understand this summary, because of the language and the writing are so extraordinary confused.
    That’s all, I am sorry for being too late.

  27. Atina Afwah

    after I read this article many times, I get different between phonetic and phonology..
    phonetic focus how to produce the sound.. and phonology focus to model of sound..

  28. Qonitatul Azizah
    From this article, i conclude that phonology is more specific rather than phonetic. This is very different from what i have thought before.

  29. Septina Fidyaningtyas (123211039)

    After I read this article I can conclude that, phonetic and phonology are two subdisciplines in linguistics which deal with sound. Phonetics provide objective ways of describing and analysing the range of sounds humans use in their language. Phonetics divide into 3 subdivision, articulatory phonetics, acoustics phonetics and auditory phonetics. Whereas phonology more refer about pattern of sound in some language. The relationship between phonetics and phonology is a complex one, but we might initially approach phonology as narrowed-down phonetics.
    Variation divide into 2 parts: phonetics is universal and phonology is language-specific.
    Without International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) for phonetic and phonology, writing down the unfamiliar sounds of other language presents an almost insuperable challenge.

  30. mohon bantuannya donk tentang phonetic dan phonology dalam bahasa indonesia... saya bingung banget nih...
    makasih :)
