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Artikel Bahasa dan Linguistik

Kurniawan, S.S., M. Hum.

Questions like what a language is, what linguistics is, and what the correlation between language and linguistics is, often become problems of some people or even language students.  There fore, this article discusses the meaning of language, the meaning of linguistics, and the correlation of both of them.

A.  Language

In various contexts, the people use the word language with different meaning.  Some people talk about body language (gesture), color language, politic language, military language etc.  While others in certain groups of people specially ones who discuss about language, they talk about written language, spoken language, utterance etc.
In linguistics, the science learning a language, language is a system of sound sign approved to use by a group of people in cooperating, communicating, and identifying.  People give meaning to a language in different way.  It depends on what theory they use.  To over come it, without disobeying the existence of roles of other theories, this will use one of theories that is popular and widely known.  It is not too modern and not too old.  It is called structural theory.
Based on structural theory, a language can be defined as a conventional and arbitrary sign system; systematic, and systemic.  A language is systematic because it has a structured pattern.  A language is systemic because the language itself is systems or subsystems, for example subsystem of phonology, subsystem of morphology, subsystem of syntax, subsystem of semantics, and subsystem of lexicon. 

B.  Linguistics

          Popularly, the people often state that linguistics is a science about language or a science which takes languages as the object of the study or like what Martinet said (1987:19) a science study of human language.  Many experts give meaning linguistics differently but a language becomes the object of the study in linguistics is never debated.
          Linguistics is often called general linguistics.  It means that linguistics does not only study one language like Arabic or English but also detail other languages generally used as means of interaction.  Pay attention to the following example; the Indonesian word perpanjang can be analyzed to be two morphemes, per- and panjang.  Morpheme per- is called causative because it gives meaning to cause, perpanjang means to cause something to be long.  Now pay attention to the next English word, (to) befriend that means menjadikan sahabat.  It is clearly found morpheme be- and morpheme friend.  Morpheme be- here also gives meaning causative.  By comparing the examples, we know that there is causative giving causative meaning in Indonesian word and in English word. 
          Those are languages in the world.  Although they are different, they still have similarity (universal characteristic).  That is analyzed by linguistics.   So that linguistics is often called general linguistics.

C.  Language and Linguistics

From the discussion about language and linguistics above, it can be known clearly the correlation of language and linguistics.  Without language, linguistics never exists because the object of study in linguistics is a language.  It is important to know, someone who masters many languages is not always the expert of language and the expert of language does not always master many languages. 

D.  References

Chaer, 2003. Linguistik Umum.Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Kridalaksana, 2005. Pesona Bahasa. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka   Utama

Suparno, 2002. Dasar-Dsar Linguistik Umum. Yogyakarta: PT Tiara Wacana Yogya

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  1. Aris Hidaytulloh (123211005)
    (Literature Class the 3rd semester)

    It's a good idea if we know about the linguistic before we study about the language. The linguistic has a corelation between the language. from the linguistic we can know about the language. from linguistic we can know the main component in study of language. If the students don't study about the linguistic, I think they will not understant what the language is. Therefore, as literature students we must know about it more over when they do their reasearch, they have to know about the linguistic itself.

  2. Laila Sari (Literature class 3rd semester)

    It's so important to study about linguistic, and I think linguistic is not only important for us whose study in English literature but as human being

  3. Qonitatul Azizah
    (literature class 3rd semester)
    language and linguistic, what a big correlation!
    i like for this quote "someone who masters many languages is not always the expert of language and the expert of language does not always master many languages."

  4. Lilis Sukmawati (123211020)
    (Literature Class the 3rd semester)

    correlation between language and linguistic can't be separated,. it was very interesting to learn :)

  5. Dewi Yulia Wati (123211011)
    Literature Class the 3rd Semester

    This is important thing that I must know because to learn linguistic, someone must to know the basic things, such as what is the language, linguistic, and correlation both of them. Because it will be easier to learn linguistic including phonology, if we have known these things.
    As well as, I agree and like this quote: “someone who masters many languages is not always the expert of language and the expert of language does not always master many languages.”

  6. Isna iniyati
    Literature Class the 3rd semester
    The linguistic is very important for studying. And i think a language is not only for communicating, but all aspect in the language also give effect in our life . :)

  7. language and linguistic, they can't be separated..
    so, we must know both of them, because it can influence in our conversation in daily life..
    because without language we can't do communication, and also the linguistic is like the key to open the language, in order to we can do communication well..
    it's important to be learned..
    thanks, Sir..

  8. Meri Wiji A.
    literature class the 3rd semester

    it is very interesting to learn about linguistics, because it will show us about many parts in there seems semantics, syntax, phonology, etc. and it's very interesting to know that language and linguistics can be separated.
