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Improving Students’ Writing Skill by Using Narrative Video in Composing Narrative Text

Improving Students’ Writing Skill by Using Narrative Video in Composing Narrative Text (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Student’s of MTs Negeri Pedan in 2012/2013 Academic Year


Gani Rahmaini. 2013. Improving Students’ Writing Skill by Using Narrative Video in Composing Narrative Text (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Student’s of MTs Negeri Pedan in 2012/2013 Academic Year). Thesis. English Letter Study Program, Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty.
Advisors : 1. Dr. H. Giyoto, M. Hum., 2. Kurniawan, S.S., M.Hum.
Key words      : Narrative Video, Narrative Text, Improve, Writing Skill.
The second grade students of MTs Negeri Pedan, Academic Year of 2012/2013, had problems dealing with writing skill. The first is the students’ low writing skill. The second is the lack of vocabulary mastery. The third is the students’ difficulties to produce logical sequence in making narrative text. The fourth students’ interest of English lesson is more decline, it is caused by several disturbance as internet, television, and hand phone. The last, the students felt difficult to write in English. This research is aimed (1) to descibe the improvement of the students’ writing skill by using narrative video in composing narrative text of the eighth grade students of MTs Negeri Pedan in 2012/2013 academic year; (2) to describe the implementation of teaching writing by using narrative video in composing narrative text of the eighth grade students’ of MTs Negeri Pedan in 2012/2013 academic year.
The research design in this research was classroom action research from April to May 2013 to the eighth grade students of MTs Negeri Pedan. The sample was the students of class VIII B. There were 40 students as the subject. In this research, the researcher taught narrative text for writing by using Narrative Video. The action research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four steps: plan, action, observation, and reflection. To collect the qualitative data, the researcher used observation and interviews. To collect the quantitative data, the researcher conducted tests before and after the research implementation. In this research, the researcher used Guided Writing method and communicative approach to improve the students’ writing skill.
The result of the research showed that after conducting the actions, the students’ writing skill improved. During the implementation of the action, the students were more active and focused on the lesson. They felt more interested and enjoyed joining the class (language laboratory). It means that using this media, the students’ motivation improved. This improvement also could be seen from the test result and the students’ attitude during the lesson. In this research mentioned that in cycle 1, the mean score of the test 1 is 44, 07 and the mean score of the test 2 is 57, 15. In cycle 2, the test 3 score is 70, 47. The improvements of the mean scores showed that there was an improvement on the students’ writing skill. It could be concluded that narrative video could improve the students’ writing skill of the second grade students of MTs Negeri Pedan in the academic year of 2012/2013.

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