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The gerunds is formed by adding –ing to the base form of a verb. The gerund is used as a noun. It can function as a subject, object, or object of a preposition.
Running is my favorite sport. (subject)
He tried running faster. (object)
She was afraid of losing. (object of preposition)
When the gerund is the subject of the sentence, the verb is singular.
1.      Gerund after Noun + Prepositions
The following are some nouns + prepositions that take gerunds:
Choice of               excuse for                 intention of
Possibility of/for    reason for                 method of/for
He has not intention of giving up now.
There was no reason for canceling the race.
2.      Gerund after Adjectives + Prepositions
The following are some adjectives + prepositions that take the gerund:
Accustomed to       afraid of                   capable of
Fond of                  good at                      interested in
Successful in         tired of
She is accustomed to training for many hours.
He is good at running the 200-meter race.
3.      Gerund after verbs
The following are some verbs that take the gerund:
admit                     deny                         postpone                   resume
advise                    discuss                      practice                     risk
anticipate               enjoy                        quit                           suggest
appreciate              excuse                      recall                         tolerate
avoid                     finish                        recommend               try
can’t help               keep                          regret                        understand
consider                 mind                         resent                        imagine
delay                      miss                          resist
He kept running until the end.
She enjoys running for competition.
4.      Gerund after Verb + Preposition (Two – Word Verbs)
The following are some two-word verbs that take the gerund:
Approve of            give up                      rely on
Be better off          insist on                    succeed in
Call for                  keep on                     think about
Confess to             look forward to         think of
Count on                object to                    worry about
Depend on             put off                      prevent from
He succeeded in winning the race.
She did not give up hoping.
5.      Gerund or Infinitive
Some verbs can take either a gerund or an infinitive, with no difference in meaning. The following are verbs that can take either a gerund or infinitive:
advise                    dread                        mean          remember
agree                      forget                        neglect       start
allow                      hate                           permit        stop
attempt                   intend                       plan           study
begin                      leave                         prefer         try
continue                 like                                             propose
dislike                    love                          regret

I love to watch the track races.
I love watching the track races

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