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Discourse Analysis: An Analysis of Cohesion in SGM Presinuri 3 TV Advertisements

An Analysis of Cohesion in SGM Presinuri 3 TV Advertisements
By Vilya Lakstian Catra Mulia

Vilya Lakstian Catra Mulia. An Analysis of Cohesion in SGM Presinuri 3 TV Advertisements. Thesis. English Letters Department, Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty.

Advisors: 1. Zainal Muttaqien,S.S.,M.Hum., 2. Kurniawan,S.S.,M.Hum.
Keywords: Discourse, Cohesions, Domains, SGM Presinutri 3 TV advertisements.

            Discourse becomes attention by people since it is a part of language activity in society. It contains many sentences which are arranged in continuity for making communicative language. Through this research, the researcher analyzes the three versions from SGM Presinutri 3 TV advertisements as the representations of discourse analysis. This research focuses on cohesion in order to investigate the relationships among language units. It is also supported by describing domains which exist in the advertisements.
            This qualitative research analyzes words, phrases and sentences as the data. After collecting the data from transcriptions, the researcher classifies and categorizes the data based on cohesions and domains in the advertisements.
            This research is able to explore the relationship among language elements in written and spoken discourse in SGM Presinutri 3 TV advertisements. The analysis is classified based on grammatical and lexical cohesions. As language use, cohesions are produced through their devices together with executed domains for adjusting suitable situation. Domains facilitate the participants in the advertisements in producing language through role relationships, locales and topics. The researcher gets result that cohesions and domains have relationship in language choice. Sentences and utterances are produced and performed well when they are done in appropriate domains where the participants are involved in.

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